What is Wagyu Beef?

Wagyu beef comes from the original Japanese breed, which has evolved by adapting to Japan’s unique climate and environment. Since a modern beef eating culture started to develop in Japan in the 1860s, wagyu has been developed into a higher quality beef to meet the tastes of Japanese consumers. Wagyu beef has been increasingly exported to the global market and created a new market value as one of the world’s most luxurious food products. In recent years, as wagyu beef has become more famous in international markets, the quality of wagyu beef has seen a steady growth in exports.

The outstanding characteristic of wagyu beef is its well-shaped marbling. The high intramuscular fat content elevates the texture, juiciness, and its overall tenderness. In addition, the fat composition of wagyu beef is very different from other beef. The distinctive aroma of wagyu beef gives it a sweet and fatty sensation. Even though it’s rich in fattiness, wagyu has a healthier fat in comparison with regular beef. Wagyu fat contains more omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are good for heart health.

The word “Wagyu” comes from the Japanese language, where “Wa” means Japan and “Gyu” means cow. So, wagyu literally means “Japanese Cow”. These cattle were originally used as labor animals in agriculture because of their strength and endurance. One of the distinctive features of wagyu is its exceptional marbling, which is the distribution of fat within the muscles. This marbling provides the soft texture and rich flavor that makes Wagyu so special. This fat is also healthier as it contains more monounsaturated fatty acids. There are several types of Wagyu cow, the most famous being Kuroge Washu, Aakage Washu, Nihon Tankaku Washu, and Mukaku Washu. Of these four types, Kuroge Washu is the most famous for its superior marbling quality. 

Wagyu Beef Price

Wagyu Beef

Wagyu meat is famous for its high price. This is due to its intensive curing process, long rearing period and high quality finish. Wagyu meat is often considered a luxury dish and is usually served in relatively small pieces. Until recently, only wagyu with A3 to A5 certification could be sold in Japan. The higher the certification, the more expensive it will be. Why is wagyu meat so expensive? Despite the high price, wagyu is still a type of meat that has many enthusiasts.

Wagyu meat is a culinary marvel that is prized around the world. With its signature marbling, intensive care, and exceptional flavor, wagyu meat is one of the most exquisite food products that meat lovers can enjoy. Despite its high price, the experience of savoring wagyu meat is something worth trying for those looking for an unforgettable culinary experience. Due to its quality and exclusivity, wagyu is often sold at a very high price. A kilogram of wagyu A5 beef can reach hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the market and availability.

Wagyu Beef Steak


Wagyu Beef

Although Wagyu originated in Japan, its popularity has spread all over the world. Countries such as the United States, Australia, and Canada also breed Wagyu cattle, although the quality may differ compared to the original Japanese Wagyu. Due to its unmistakable texture and taste, this meat is a favorite of steak lovers. Wagyu beef steak is one of the most luxurious and prestigious foods in the culinary world, especially in the world of trade. Wagyu steak is a premium type of beef originating from Japan, renowned for its exceptional quality. It comes from Wagyu cattle, which are genetically endowed with the ability to produce high marbling or intramuscular fat.

This marbling gives Wagyu beef its soft texture and unique rich flavor, making it very different from other types of beef. When cooked as a steak, wagyu does not require much seasoning or sauce as its natural flavor is already very rich and complex. The common cooking method is to grill or pan-fry it quickly at a high temperature to preserve its tenderness and cheesiness. Wagyu’s tender texture and melt-in-the-mouth flavor make it a favorite choice in fine dining restaurants and among meat lovers. The price of Wagyu steak is usually higher than regular steak, but for many, the experience is worth the cost.

Wagyu Beef A5

Wagyu Beef

For many foodies, tasting Wagyu A5 is an extraordinary experience. But what makes regular wagyu different from wagyu A5? It is interesting to discuss. Wagyu beef, as a whole, is already known for its tender texture and rich flavor compared to regular beef, making it a popular choice among meat lovers around the world. Wagyu A5 is the highest level of Wagyu beef grading, indicating exceptional quality in terms of marbling, texture, and flavor.

In Japan, wagyu is graded based on a strict grading system. The A5 level is the highest, signifying exceptional quality in terms of marbling, color, texture, and fat quality. This system ensures that only the best quality meat gets the A5 label. It is awarded based on a Japanese grading system that measures marbling, meat color and brightness, texture, and fat quality. The “A” in A5 refers to the yield grade, which means it has a high amount of meat per unit weight, while a “5” indicates the highest level of marbling, ideal meat color, and extremely tender texture. This abundant marbling gives Wagyu A5 a rich flavor and an almost melt-in-the-mouth texture.

This beef is usually served in small portions to highlight its intense flavor and is prepared with minimalist cooking techniques to maintain the integrity of its natural flavors. Wagyu A5 is often served in fine dining restaurants and is known to command a very high price, reflecting the meticulous care and processing as well as the exclusivity of the product. The price of Wagyu A5 is usually much higher than lower grade Wagyu, reflecting the exclusivity and premium quality it offers.

Wagyu Beef Supplier

Wagyu Beef

Industrial wagyu suppliers are usually meat companies that are responsible for providing Wagyu beef to various consumers, including restaurants, hotels, markets, and individuals. The main duties of a wagyu beef supplier include the selection, slaughtering, and distribution of high-quality Wagyu beef. These suppliers often work directly with the farms that breed wagyu cattle, ensuring that the meat they distribute meets strict quality standards. They are also responsible for maintaining the storage and transportation conditions of the meat to keep it fresh and maintain the premium quality of Wagyu.

If you are looking for a beef supplier in Bali, Happy Farm Bali is the right choice. Happy Farm Bali is known as one of the best beef providers in the region, focusing on quality and customer satisfaction. They are ready to distribute their Wagyu beef products, ensuring that every piece of meat you receive is the best.

Happy Farm Bali offers not only Wagyu, but also a variety of other beef products that are produced with high quality standards. With experience and a good reputation in the industry, Happy Farm Bali ensures that all the meat they distribute is carefully processed and packaged, maintaining the flavor and texture desired by meat lovers. Customers can rely on Happy Farm Bali to fulfill their needs for high-quality beef, both for household use and culinary businesses.